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MLB News & Notes (other than Cubs or Sox)
That's good, but probably should have just remained at 30.
I have found that I hated the extra innings rule much more in theory than I have so far in practice.

This is not some silly theory that's unsupported and deserves being mocked by photos of Xena.  [Image: ITgoyeg.png]
Same here. It's exciting and actually encourages batters to approach their ABs with more of situational mindset as opposed to just swinging for the fences in extras. I wouldn't hate it if the rule survives 2020. Just keep it out of postseason play forever.
I shouldn't laugh.

How the hell are the Orioles above 500 (8-7) for the season?
Or the Tigers (9-6) and Marlins (7-4)? Early season records at times don't make much sense, and especially during this insane year.
What city was he talking about? I need a good vacation destination for after the plague.

Can't wait for him to pretend the audio was doctored.

What a pathetic "apology"...

"I pride myself as a man of faith...", but let me just stop there for a second to call this homerun! What were we just talking about? oh yeah...I don't know if I'll ever wear this headset again...poor fucking me.

But that's not who I am or ever have been...except for a few minutes ago when I got caught saying it.

And of course he has to include "those who sign my paychecks", while never even mentioning the gay community.
I love the "that is not who I am and never has been" line. Yes it is and it was you who said what you said. Jesus, these people have zero self awareness.
No one says that casually, in an unguarded moment, unless it's precisely who they are, and they've said it a thousand times.


Cue the parade of presumed good old boys that have heard that shit a hundred times and bitten their tongues.

I still can't get over the fact that he paused his apology to call the homerun. Also, did you notice that the HR was hit into the Planet Fitness "Judgement Free Zone". Yikes...

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