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2024 Cubs
Not to nitpick but he turns 30 in July of '24. And don't get me wrong, if we signed Ohtani tomorrow I'd be doing backflips. But that doesn't mean that I won't be complaining when he's 35 and underperforming his contract.

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It would be cool if something interesting happened soon.
Agreed. Let's go, Ohtani, become a Cub already. Or something else so the rest can get going. But preferably the first option.
Feels to me like he has to end up on the West Coast, that he's comfortable there. Dodgers seem like the team.
Dodgers are the safe bet, for sure.
I've read he doesn't care as much about being on the west coast or in socal now, and that he wants a park that suits him. Obviously this could not be true and just something his team is putting out there to bid up the Dodgers. But it's possible he wants to expand out of the region. SF's park is not great for lefties (though he'd like hitting it into the water I suppose). With the Cubs he'd be the only true superstar on the team, unlike with the Dodgers and even Angels.

Anyway, I would bet that if location matters to him post all the endorsements and record-setting contract, it matters in people in Japan watching the games. Cubs central time day games can't be a good thing...

If I'm the Cubs I'm pitching him the bright future of the team obviously, the branding they could do arguably better than anyone else, and the Michael Jordan factor. MJ became arguably the biggest global sports superstar in the world in Chicago, and stars are loved in Chicago in a way LA doesn't really replicate (in part because they've had so many across the sports world) and NY doesn't because like idiots they boo their best.
Jeffy, Sheps....the three of us can will it to happen. I am all in and prepared to be disappointed! lol

I agree, i think the west coast stuff is over blown. I think the Dodgers probably do have the best shot, but one thing i dont underestimate is the Theo and now Jed power to get what they want.
[Image: giphy.webp?cid=6c09b952jz6saw9y0l1fn9rzq....webp&ct=g]
The suspense is killing me. What kind of odds are we looking at at here, fellas?
Agreed, let's will it!!

It looks like Vegas has the Cubs as the second best odds to the Dodgers:

Los Angeles Dodgers: +115 (bet $10 to win $21.50 total)
Chicago Cubs: +350 (bet $10 to win $45 total)
Texas Rangers: +650 (bet $10 to win $75 total)
Toronto Blue Jays: +700 (bet $10 to win $80 total)
New York Mets: +900 (bet $10 to win $100 total)
San Francisco Giants: +1100 (bet $10 to win $120 total)
New York Yankees: +1200 (bet $10 to win $130 total)
Boston Red Sox: +1500 (bet $10 to win $160 total)
Seattle Mariners: +2000 (bet $10 to win $210 total)
Philadelphia Phillies: +2000 (bet $10 to win $210 total)
Los Angeles Angels: +2000 (bet $10 to win $210 total)
San Diego Padres: +2500 (bet $10 to win $260 total)
Any other team: +2500 (bet $10 to win $260 total)
Lol would be a total bummer if he goes to Toronto, I feel like they’d be a total waste for no particular reason at all

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I'd much rather he go to Toronto than LA.
Yes, would be better for us I just don’t see why he’d choose Toronto.

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Toronto is a pretty cool city and it's very International/Cosmopolitan. Sure, it doesn't have the market size of NY/LA/Chi/BOS, but I think it would be an awesome destination for him. Plus, they've been right on the cusp of being a legit World Series contender the last couple of years -- Shohei could bet the one to put them over the top.

Not as cool as the North Side of Chicago, of course, but if he doesn't land here I'd love to see him as a Blue Jay. Just my own personal bias. Smile
Yeah, Toronto is a great city. It would be weird though for him to choose first Anaheim and then Toronto. Sounds like a guy avoiding the brightest spotlight or something. With Toronto you are Canada's team, and it's certainly a global city more so than Boston and some of the other most popular MLB teams' cities, but it's still a bit odd to me.

That said, please let it be TO if not the Cubs. I would love that.

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