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alice is a movie from the late 80s and it might be russian. i'm not sure because the copy netflix sent me is dubbed with a british accent. dubbing usually drives me crazy but because a lot of this movie's dialogue is spoken by um, puppets, it's actually not too annoying. it's basically like if lynch, cronenberg and the croffts got together to make a version of alice in wonderland. definitely not for everyone. made me wish i'd known about it when i was a little acid weirdo. don't remember if i first heard about it here or somewhere else but i liked it. very imaginative.
Life is a bitch, but she's totally doable.
I remember watching this movie as a kid and being shocked, intrigued and bored all at the same time, yet I couldn't turn away. It's definitely an odd one, but well done. Not sure that I would recommend it unless you're into artsy, unconventional films though.

Speaking of weird fairy tale adaptions, there is a Korean version of Hansel & Gretel coming out soon. It actually is getting good buzz.
Well, I'm certainly sold!

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