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Some new tunes I wrote
I had this melody going through my head all day at work a couple days ago so i came home and started doodling on the guitar and about 2 hours later I had this little demo...i've never gone from an idea to a somewhat finished product so fast. If nothing else the lyrics always slow me down quite a bit but these kinda flowed as I wrote about my cousin who's in a terrible relationship right now.

Obviously I need bass/drums and the rhythm is pretty sloppy but what do you think?

edit: ugh...looks like my widgets aren't working. use this

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I like it.
"Drink Up and Beat Off!"

"Will I be looked on poorly if my religion involved punting little people?"
Wow. That's really good. Full of emotion. The guitar solo is kickass, too.
Some of the best songs are just guitar and vocals. You may want to keep it as is, Sean.

I like it a lot.
I'm 100% fine with this. I'm just glad there's an actual plan in place that isn't, "Let's load up on retreads and hope we get lucky." I'm a little tired of that plan.

Man Phan, I really like that a lot. It's very melodic and the lyrics flow really well with music. It kind of reminds me of a Pumpkins tune. Of all the songs you've written that might be my favorite one. I can't wait to hear it cleaned up!
I picture a pissed-off Amazon bitch; uncontrollable, disobedient, boldly resisting any kind of emotional shackles...angrily begging for more ejaculate. -KB

Showing your teeth is a sign of weakness in primates. Whenever someone smiles at me, all I see is a chimpanzee begging for its life. - Dwight

RIP Sarge
Very nice, love the guitar.
sweet...thanks for the feedback. i had a feeling this was a good one but it's hard to judge your own stuff.

it's been a while since i've posted any of my stuff up here but my writing has been all over the board...some acoustic stuff, some indie rock, some piano tunes, some hard rock/grunge etc. I guess the reason I haven't posted any of them is because unlike my previous stuff i just haven't had the time to do the drum/bass/backup vox/full production like i was doing before. They're all still very much in demo form but i've been playing them out and getting pretty good feedback. here's a few of them if you're interested

all acoustic

Picking Up The Pieces - A laid back Tom-Petty-esque rocker

Something Better - About as close as I get to country.

Fortune and Fame - Standard Rocker...will be recorded with electric guitars at some point


Fake - Probably the oddest of my recent songs...i had this drumbeat and bassline in my head and decided to take it in to the electro world. the sounds are a bit cheesy and the drums during the verses are going to have a lot more layers but the basics are there. this ones going to have a radiohead-type feel to it when finished.


Last Goodbye - A song I wrote on the piano. I added a lazy rhythm guitar in the background but i envision this being a big production...more guitars, maybe strings, etc.

Seanata - another piano ditty...this one instrumental. yes i know the title is cheesy
no love for the other tunes or music/self-promotion overload?

I'm curious which people like best as i'm going into the studio to record 3 of them and want to choose the best ones.

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