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2014 SOI Keeper Fantasy Football League
Kid, just my opinion, but if these things bother you so much you probably should join a more serious and committed league. Losing interest is an age old fantasy sports problem and will continue to happen as long as the buy-in is such a nominal amount. One way to prevent owners from losing interest in the league is to provide incentives to continue to pay attention. Two of the leagues I'm in do different things to keep owners involved.


1. One league I'm in pays a $50 cash bonus to the high point scorer in each of the last 5 games of the season. The buy-in to this league is $300 so there is ample cash in the pot to make it work,

2. The other league assesses a $25 penalty to the lowest scoring team in each week. Not only does this add extra cash to the pot, but it keeps people focused on improving their teams throughout the season.

Jeez guys. Sorry for the controversy, but to be honest, I'm not going over my lineup with a fine toothed comb in week 13 when I've won 2 games. I'm definitely not going to purposefully tank, and start guys on IR, but White was questionable all week, and the only other receiver I had was Wright who had one freaking catch the week before. I set a lineup that I thought would be competitive, but I didn't go back an hour before the games started in order to make sure everything was perfect. I realize it's not ideal, but as far as fantasy football controversies go, it's pretty minor.


I agree we don't want guys with half their rosters not starting because that could have a big effect on the playoffs, and I'm open to any rule changes, but It's tough enough to get people to listen to proposals, let alone vote on them.

I wish that I believed in Fate. I wish I didn't sleep so late. I used to be carried in the arms of cheerleaders.
I just checked leaguesafe to check to see if I had paid. It says I didn't but it doesn't give me the option to pay late. So... what's up with that?
"I'm not sure I know what ball cheese or crotch rot is, exactly -- or if there is a difference between the two. Don't post photos, please..."

- Butcher
Quote:I just checked leaguesafe to check to see if I had paid. It says I didn't but it doesn't give me the option to pay late. So... what's up with that?

You can try it now. However, there will be a 10.00 fee tacked on. I can't change that, as it is automatic, and it doesn't go to the league. the only other option for you and BZ would be to pay the winners directly via paypal or something.
I wish that I believed in Fate. I wish I didn't sleep so late. I used to be carried in the arms of cheerleaders.
What do folks think of this idea for next year:  Have consolation games be for a better draft pick, not a worse draft pick.  For example, the #7-10 teams play in the consolation bracket.  Have that be a 4-team tournament for the #1 draft pick.  Do the same thing for the consolation games in the championship bracket.  The idea is to discourage tanking.  As 2 examples, Destined hasn't fielded a quarterback in at least a month.  Also, once I lost last week, there was no incentive for me to win this week.  There's no money for 3rd place, all winning this week would do is cost me a better draft pick.


If an owner doesn't manage his team and tanks, he could end up doing no better than the #4 draft pick the next year.


Here's what I'm envisioning:


Consolation Bracket


Week 15:

#7 vs. #10

#8 vs. #9


Week 16:

7/10 winner vs. 8/9 winner (7th place game) - Winner is #1 draft pick, loser is #2 draft pick

7/10 loser vs. 8/9 loser (9th place game) - Winner is #3 draft pick loser is #4 draft pick


Championship Bracket


Week 14:

#3 vs. #6

#4 vs. #5


Week 15:

3/6 loser vs. 4/5 loser (5th place game) - Winner is #5 draft pick, loser is #6 draft pick

#1 vs. 4/5 winner

#2 vs. 3/6 winner


Week 16:

3rd place game - Winner is #7 draft pick, loser is #8 draft pick

Championship game - Winner is #10 draft pick, loser is #9 draft pick (no need to create draft incentives for this game since money is on the line - whoever wins the league should get the last pick) 


The draft order would then be:

#1 - Winner of 7th place game

#2 - Loser of 7th place game

#3 - Winner of 9th place game

#4 - Loser of 9th place game

#5 - Winner of 5th place game

#6 - Loser of 5th place game

#7 - Winner of 3rd place game

#8 - Loser of 3rd place game

#9 - Loser of championship game

#10 - Winner of championship game

This is not some silly theory that's unsupported and deserves being mocked by photos of Xena.  [Image: ITgoyeg.png]
My main issue with this is that I'm not sure what the problem is with people not fielding a team after week 13. If you are out of the playoffs, you aren't hurting anyone else's chances by fielding a crap team, so the integrity of the league doesn't suffer. If we are really worried about tanking, a much easier solution which would address the problems you had with me starting a hurt WR would be simply to give the #1 pick to the team that finishes in 7th place overall, which is the best team to miss the playoffs. Give the #2 pick to the #8 team, 3rd pick to 9 and 4th pick to 10. Then reverse order 6 through 1 as we do now. That way that teams that are out of it will continue to field the best teams they can in order to secure a better draft pick, and they will do it when their actions will actually have an impact on the rest of the league.

I wish that I believed in Fate. I wish I didn't sleep so late. I used to be carried in the arms of cheerleaders.
I'm fine with that with respect to the teams that don't make the playoffs.  Frankly, I don't see the point of having a consolation bracket.


Likewise, I don't see a point to consolation games in the championship bracket.  I'd be fine if we based the #5-8 draft spots based on regular season record of the 4 teams that made the playoffs but don't finish in the money, but in reverse order.  For example, let's just give the #5 spot to the team with the worst record that made the playoffs but didn't cash.  #8 would be the best record that made the playoffs without finishing in the money.  There's no real risk of tanking among playoff teams, so let's not pretend that somebody should get a worse draft pick just because they made the semifinal instead of the quarterfinals.


#9 and 10 should stay as is, runner-up and champ.

This is not some silly theory that's unsupported and deserves being mocked by photos of Xena.  [Image: ITgoyeg.png]
I'm fine with all that.

I wish that I believed in Fate. I wish I didn't sleep so late. I used to be carried in the arms of cheerleaders.
So I think this would be the draft order:


1. 7th place regular season team (best record of non-playoff teams)

2. 8th place regular season team

3. 9th place regular season team

4. 10th place regular season team (worst record of non-playoff teams)

5. Worst regular season record of non-championship game playoff teams

6. 2nd worst regular season record of non-championship game playoff teams

7. 2nd best regular season record of non-championship game playoff teams

8. Best regular season record of non-championship game playoff teams

9. Championship game runner-up

10. League champion


Anyone have an issue with this?

This is not some silly theory that's unsupported and deserves being mocked by photos of Xena.  [Image: ITgoyeg.png]
"I'm not sure I know what ball cheese or crotch rot is, exactly -- or if there is a difference between the two. Don't post photos, please..."

- Butcher
Congrats Slaw.

This is not some silly theory that's unsupported and deserves being mocked by photos of Xena.  [Image: ITgoyeg.png]
Thanks. All the credit goes to Andrew luck, for if the Colts could have mustered any offense, Clapp would still be scoring with his posse of Cowboys.

One dick can poke an eye out. A hundred dicks can move mountains.

Actually, I still have to make things square with Liner from the 2013 fantasy baseball season. PcB, would it be too much trouble to send your and Bz's fee to Liner? That $50 could just be docked from whatever I won. If that's too much trouble, no worries; I can square with Liner myself.

One dick can poke an eye out. A hundred dicks can move mountains.

So who is going to bail out this year and let me get a team?

Not to be That Guy, but I'm anxious to pay off Liner from my Fantasy Baseball flake-out. Will the money be transferred soon? Should it be $75 to Clapp and $125 to me, with PcB & bz sending their stuff to my PayPal (or, alternately, Liner's PayPal)?

One dick can poke an eye out. A hundred dicks can move mountains.


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