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2022 Team
Thanks a lot, dick.
I’m not sad. He’ll turn 29 this year and was utter shit between 2018-21. Good for him, but hope he enjoys the success while it lasts.
I was listening to the Score on the way to taking my kids to school this morning and they articulated my current frustration about the team pretty well. There doesn't truly seem to be a clear plan. It all seems very vague and when your GM speaks that way it feels less than genuine. When Theo took over, there was a clear plan and it was articulated and it was so much easier to get on board. Maybe with them winning it all in '16, they think the fans have less patience for a full rebuild and they don't want to admit that this is what they're actually doing. I don't know. When everything feels lukewarm it's hard to get fully on board.
When Theo said, ‘every season is sacred’ and ‘team had good chance at playoffs’ back when the Cubs were losing at historically dismal pace, you believed him?

Jed is saying just enough to keep from more season ticket holders from dumping their tickets - just as Theo did
I see your point. But at the same time it was pretty obvious what the plan was. At the moment, do you have any idea what Hoyer is doing?
He's hard at work building "The Next Great Cubs Team." Don't you guys watch all the commercials and hype videos on Marquee?
Hoyer has a tougher job as Ricketts Wrigleyville real estate increases the “keep people returning to Wrigley” demands despite the tank job
(05-20-2022, 05:31 PM)rok Wrote: He's hard at work building "The Next Great Cubs Team." Don't you guys watch all the commercials and hype videos on Marquee?

I'm finally getting Marquee on Direct TV. Turned to it a few weeks ago and it was there. Took a little while.
This Cub squad just lost 2 games against a team that I believe took about a month to win its 4th game of the season. Oh, and the Reds scored 20 runs against them.

Glad the Cubs aren’t rebuilding or I might be worried about them.
I can't remember the last time I cared less about this team. Probably in the mid-90s when I was in college and away from Chicago (and they sucked ass). I literally paid no attention to them. '98 brought me back in with Sammy and Woody and they held my interest since then to varying degrees, even leading up to 2015 I paid a fair amount of attention to them. This team is just so hard to give a shit about at all.
I haven't been all that invested since the WS if I'm being completely honest. I just don't care that much anymore.
I'm pretty much back to paying attention exclusively to prospects, which saddens me.

Did catch highlights from yesterday's game, man when Wisdom gets ahold of one they are NOT cheap.
It just seems more and more difficult to enjoy trivial entertainment for the past few years. The veil's been completely lifted and we're all seeing things that either we didn't know about or just didn't want to see and acknowledge. I'm not just talking about baseball obviously. Whether it's the world at large, the direction of our society, and even, for me at least, down to personal matters, things are different. Having hope and optimism seems so naive and simple minded. Baseball, movies, TV, books, music... are all becoming harder to provide an escape from the cold reality of all the cruelty and heartbreak we seem to witness on a daily basis. Seemingly, lurking behind everything, there's something unpleasant or disturbing that just tinges things enough to make them less appealing. I guess the world was always like this and we were just living through a lull. Perhaps we're now witnessing the coming out of that lull.

Just to highlight the absurdity of things, the dumb AI that this app uses to show "how your text may sound to readers" has determined this post as "joyful" and "optimistic."
Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them.
Sorry to hear that finding difficulties in the joy in trivial entertainment in light of societal trends.

I go back to the old adage to try to take joy in the smallest or most mundane of tasks which for me includes watching baseball or heading to Wrigley.

Hell, just read a SunTimes piece on the last year of Cubs baseball - Cubs were in first place at end of last May and on a hot streak. Yup, damn right, the times have changed

Still, I get to pet my aging dog who probably won’t be around too long and hope that he - and I - will have a good day

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