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Favourite isolation movies that you've watched
The Chicago 7 on Netflicks is a winner for us.

We were born too late to follow in real time, and we were both poor students in worse high schools--didn't learn it in history class.

Those political struggles borne by the celebrated shoulders of Chicago were just a general impression for us both.

So timely for this year. Hard to believe most of the script was penned 10 years ago.

Aaron Sorkin, Sacha Baron Cohen,Mark Rylance (see anything Rylance is in), Joseph Gordon-Levitt, et al made captivating courtroom drama.

The movie made us both go back and read some history. Made the wife make popcorn for a mid-week movie (that never happens).

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Favourite isolation movies that you've watched - by 4FP - 10-31-2020, 04:53 PM

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