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<!--quoteo(post=91353:date=Apr 20 2010, 06:12 PM:name=veryzer)-->QUOTE (veryzer @ Apr 20 2010, 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->I don't get it. At what point does Soriano become cuplable?<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Soriano is completely culpable. And Brenley's not wrong about what he says. But Brenley's invective will do little to remedy the situation and truly can only interfere. Who needs another manager in the broadcast booth?
One dick can poke an eye out. A hundred dicks can move mountains.

<!--quoteo(post=91353:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:12 PM:name=veryzer)-->QUOTE (veryzer @ Apr 20 2010, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=91349:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:07 PM:name=rok)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (rok @ Apr 20 2010, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=91346:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:02 PM:name=veryzer)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (veryzer @ Apr 20 2010, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=91322:date=Apr 20 2010, 04:44 PM:name=phan)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (phan @ Apr 20 2010, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->I have no problem whatsoever with what Brenly said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

No doubt, in fact, I commend him for saying it. I continue to be amazed at how this board keeps defending the shitastic play of Soriano. We're actually criticizing Brenley for telling the truth about a player? Really?

I hated Brenley at first, but as time goe on, I find myself agreeing with him more and more. He still annoys me, but not because he's honest. That part I like.
Last I checked, no one has ever defended Soriano for anything. It's just Brenly is showing up Lou and the organization and feeding a couple of radio douchebags red meat on a platter. He hasn't said anything that hasn't been said before, and the only person he benefited is the local media, and possibly himself when he is gone from the TV booth soon. We will still be stuck with Soriano when Brenly is long gone.

OK, defend is the qrong word. Apparently it's wrong to criticize Soriano or boo Soriano or say anything negative about Soriano ever, despite the fact that he can't catch a flyball or hit anything that isn't straight and down the middle.

When I hear fans booing him, I think, "Wow, Soriano better get his shit together if he wants to booing to stop." You guys think, "Wow, Cub fans are stupid."

When I hear broadcasters criticizing Soriano, I think "Wow, Brenley's right. Soriano is selfish." You guys think, "Wow, Brenley's an asshole for telling the truth."

I don't get it. At what point does Soriano become cuplable?
It's gone way beyond booing Soriano missing a routine fly ball.

He gets booed for fucking *everything* he does now. The fans are cheering like we just won the World Series when Tyler Fucking Colvin comes in the game to replace him. Think about that for a minute.

I just don't know what else there is to say about Soriano that hasn't been said. Alf isn't the smartest ballplayer out there and that isn't going to change. The constant media criticism and the constant booing isn't going to help Alf from misplaying fly balls off the outfield wall.
<!--quoteo(post=91353:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:12 PM:name=veryzer)-->QUOTE (veryzer @ Apr 20 2010, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=91349:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:07 PM:name=rok)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (rok @ Apr 20 2010, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=91346:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:02 PM:name=veryzer)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (veryzer @ Apr 20 2010, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=91322:date=Apr 20 2010, 04:44 PM:name=phan)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (phan @ Apr 20 2010, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->I have no problem whatsoever with what Brenly said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

No doubt, in fact, I commend him for saying it. I continue to be amazed at how this board keeps defending the shitastic play of Soriano. We're actually criticizing Brenley for telling the truth about a player? Really?

I hated Brenley at first, but as time goe on, I find myself agreeing with him more and more. He still annoys me, but not because he's honest. That part I like.
Last I checked, no one has ever defended Soriano for anything. It's just Brenly is showing up Lou and the organization and feeding a couple of radio douchebags red meat on a platter. He hasn't said anything that hasn't been said before, and the only people he benefited are the local media douchebags, and possibly himself when he is gone from the TV booth soon. We will still be stuck with Soriano when Brenly is long gone.

OK, defend is the qrong word. Apparently it's wrong to criticize Soriano or boo Soriano or say anything negative about Soriano ever, despite the fact that he can't catch a flyball or hit anything that isn't straight and down the middle.

When I hear fans booing him, I think, "Wow, Soriano better get his shit together if he wants to booing to stop." You guys think, "Wow, Cub fans are stupid."

When I hear broadcasters criticizing Soriano, I think "Wow, Brenley's right. Soriano is selfish." You guys think, "Wow, Brenley's an asshole for telling the truth."

I don't get it. At what point does Soriano become cuplable?
He is and always has been at fault here, but this piling on is only going to make the situation worse for everyone. We are stuck with the guy and he isn't going to change. All the booing and berating is only going to turn a fairly untradeable player into a completely untradeable and disgruntled player. We are stuck with him, so we'd better not make a bad situation even worse. It's easy for Brenly to criticize when he isn't down on the field trying to keep a clubhouse together. And what has criticizing Soriano done to change him in the past? That's all I'm saying.
<!--quoteo(post=91352:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:12 PM:name=phan)-->QUOTE (phan @ Apr 20 2010, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->For one Brenly is much more respected than most of the billion other people who have said it so i think that's why it's not just piling on.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Right and I am not sure who else that is connected with the team has said it anyway...other than the fans I guess? I am happy that someone connected with the team ripped his ass. I just wish it would of been Lou and not one of our announcers.
<!--quoteo(post=91359:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:18 PM:name=stevestonescigar)-->QUOTE (stevestonescigar @ Apr 20 2010, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=91352:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:12 PM:name=phan)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (phan @ Apr 20 2010, 05:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->For one Brenly is much more respected than most of the billion other people who have said it so i think that's why it's not just piling on.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Right and I am not sure who else that is connected with the team has said it anyway...other than the fans I guess? I am happy that someone connected with the team ripped his ass. I just wish it would of been Lou and not one of our announcers.
I agree with that too.
I'm guessing Lou has ripped Soriano plenty of times. In private.

He isn't showing Soriano's ass to the entire world. That doesn't do any good.
that's the thing...i guarantee you lou would love to say it but can't. brenly's the next best thing.

and if it wasn't for the 2004 fiasco i don't think we'd be as sensitive to this sort of thing.
If Brenly wasn't so late to the Rip Into Soriano's Meaty Flesh party, I would welcome his comments. If Wrigley hadn't become such a hostile environment for our own players over the last few years, I would welcome his comments.

Again -- nobody is saying Brenly isn't correct. But is he saying anything new? I just have to ask what purpose does it serve at this point? It won't have a positive effect -- I can pretty much promise you that.
<!--quoteo-->QUOTE <!--quotec-->Soriano said Tuesday he heard about the comments from Brenly, but shrugged them off.

"I don't listen to the radio, I don't read the papers, so whatever they say, it means nothing to me," he said. "Maybe to some other guys it means something, but it doesn't mean anything to me."

Asked about the criticism that he was being "selfish," Soriano said he didn't care.

"You know what? I don't pay attention because I know that's not me," he said. "If he says something that I know would bother me, I would talk to him. But I know that's not me, so that means nothing to me. I'm not selfish. I'm working hard. I try to win. So if he says something different that (bothers me) than I can talk to him. But in my heart, to me, and to every one of these guys, if you ask that question, they'll say I'm totally different than what he says. So that means nothing to me."

Soriano also said it will take him a little time to fully get rid of the "hop" in the outfield because it's just a reaction.

"I just want him to catch it," manager Lou Piniella said.

Soriano was summoned into Piniella's office for a pre-game meeting.

"He called me because some media asked the question, 'Why didn't I run?'" Soriano said. "But I explained to him why. I could've made third, but I don't want to make the second out at third either."

Piniella said he told Soriano: "'When you hit the ball, even if you might think it's a home run, leave the box, and when you recognize it is a home run for sure, then you can go into your trot."

Piniella added that he was watching the flight of the ball and didn't see Soriano watching his shot.

"But I have talked to Alfonso about it," he said. "And you know what? At times, habits are hard to break."

Could Soriano have had a triple?

"Look, a really fast player would've had a triple for sure," he said. "In Alfonso's case, I'm not going to say he should've or not because I didn't see it. But look, it's a long way out there (to center) and he obviously thought it was a home run when he hit it., But it didn't go out. It hit the wall. But we've talked to him about it, and we'll see if it works. I think it will."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The thing you need to remember is that all Cardinals fans and all White Sox fans are very bad people. It's a fact that has been scientifically proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Being a Cubs fan is the only path to rightousness and piousness. Cardinal and White Sox fans exist to be the dark, diabolical forces that oppose us. They are the yin to our yang, the Joker to our Batman, the demon to our angel, the insurgence to our freedom, the oil to our water, the club to our baby seal. Their happiness occurs only in direct conflict with everything that is pure and good in this world.
<!--quoteo(post=91361:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:22 PM:name=Butcher)-->QUOTE (Butcher @ Apr 20 2010, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->I'm guessing Lou has ripped Soriano plenty of times. In private.

He isn't showing Soriano's ass to the entire world. That doesn't do any good.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

I hope Lou hasn't ripped him because if he has Soriano definitely doesn't give a shit.

Bobby Cox pulled Andrew Jones out in the middle of the damn game. I don't think it hurt him to bad. He went on for a few nice years after that. Soriano makes 18 million a season and played several years in New York. He is a big boy. I think he can handle anything we throw at him. Like I said... it sure doesn't seem to phase him to much based on his actions.
We're talking about 2 different things here. Is it OK to boo OR criticize Alf for not hitting, or a physical fielding mistake.
I say no.

But if he's <i>going out of his way</i> to act like an asshole (or clown, as cigar correctly stated), with the HR Stare on a fly ball hit 320 feet , or that repulsive, cocksucking Hop, then I say LAY into him with all of your might. Repeatedly, until he stops.

There's nothing better than to realize that the good things about youth don't end with youth itself. It's a matter of realizing that life can be renewed every day you get out of bed without baggage. It's tough to get there, but it's better than the dark thoughts. -Lance
<!--quoteo(post=91362:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:22 PM:name=phan)-->QUOTE (phan @ Apr 20 2010, 05:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->that's the thing...i guarantee you lou would love to say it but can't. brenly's the next best thing.

and if it wasn't for the 2004 fiasco i don't think we'd be as sensitive to this sort of thing.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

We wouldn't be. That is what is all goes back to. I have always thought fans have cared way more about this sort of garbage than the players ever have or do. The same way I think the fans are far more passionate about each game during the regular season than the players are.
<!--quoteo(post=91369:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:36 PM:name=KBwsb)-->QUOTE (KBwsb @ Apr 20 2010, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->We're talking about 2 different things here. Is it OK to boo OR criticize Alf for not hitting, or a physical fielding boner.
I say no.

But if he's <i>going out of his way</i> to act like an asshole (or clown, as cigar correctly stated), with the HR Stare on a fly ball hit 320 feet , or that repulsive, cocksucking Hop, then I say LAY into him with all of your might. Repeatedly, until he stops.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

You make a good point.
<!--quoteo(post=91369:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:36 PM:name=KBwsb)-->QUOTE (KBwsb @ Apr 20 2010, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->We're talking about 2 different things here. Is it OK to boo OR criticize Alf for not hitting, or a physical fielding boner.
I say no.

But if he's <i>going out of his way</i> to act like an asshole (or clown, as cigar correctly stated), with the HR Stare on <b>a fly ball hit 320 feet</b> , or that repulsive, cocksucking Hop, then I say LAY into him with all of your might. Repeatedly, until he stops.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'm not defending anything he did, but you've got that wrong. The ball he hit was a bomb, the only reason it didn't go out was because of the ballpark.
The thing you need to remember is that all Cardinals fans and all White Sox fans are very bad people. It's a fact that has been scientifically proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Being a Cubs fan is the only path to rightousness and piousness. Cardinal and White Sox fans exist to be the dark, diabolical forces that oppose us. They are the yin to our yang, the Joker to our Batman, the demon to our angel, the insurgence to our freedom, the oil to our water, the club to our baby seal. Their happiness occurs only in direct conflict with everything that is pure and good in this world.
<!--quoteo(post=91373:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:40 PM:name=Giff)-->QUOTE (Giff @ Apr 20 2010, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec--><!--quoteo(post=91369:date=Apr 20 2010, 05:36 PM:name=KBwsb)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (KBwsb @ Apr 20 2010, 05:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}><!--quotec-->We're talking about 2 different things here. Is it OK to boo OR criticize Alf for not hitting, or a physical fielding boner.
I say no.

But if he's <i>going out of his way</i> to act like an asshole (or clown, as cigar correctly stated), with the HR Stare on <b>a fly ball hit 320 feet</b> , or that repulsive, cocksucking Hop, then I say LAY into him with all of your might. Repeatedly, until he stops.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'm not defending anything he did, but you've got that wrong. The ball he hit was a bomb, the only reason it didn't go out was because of the ballpark.
Y'know, if you're not 1,000 percent <b>certain</b> that you've blasted a mammoth homer, there is zero reason to not be running. And even if it does go over the wall, that kind of bush-league crap will often result in the next hitter getting beaned.

Soriano should, at this point, be trying as hard as he possibly can to get back in good graces, not purposely trying to enrage 99% of the baseball universe.
There's nothing better than to realize that the good things about youth don't end with youth itself. It's a matter of realizing that life can be renewed every day you get out of bed without baggage. It's tough to get there, but it's better than the dark thoughts. -Lance

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