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Farm System
Quote:Actually, you don't typically see much dead weight in the minors aside from AAA. If he were blocking someone in High-A or AA, then I'd be pissed too. Scanning the current AAA roster, it appears that as much as 33% of it has zero chance of ever seeing the big leagues with the Cubs. Journeymen are aplenty.
Sure, but according to The Plan™, in theory, everyone has benchmarks for promotion. If Manny has a hypothetical path to Wrigley, I don't even want to hear about it.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="rok" data-cid="222821" data-time="1403392419">
Actually, you don't typically see much dead weight in the minors aside from AAA. If he were blocking someone in High-A or AA, then I'd be pissed too. Scanning the current AAA roster, it appears that as much as 33% of it has zero chance of ever seeing the big leagues with the Cubs. Journeymen are aplenty.
Sure, but according to The Plan™, in theory, everyone has benchmarks for promotion. If Manny has a hypothetical path to Wrigley, I don't even want to hear about it.


But he doesn't have a theoretical path for promotion as a player. This was from the original press release, straight from Theo and Manny himself:


Quote:"While Manny is not and will not be a fit on the Cubs major league roster, we do think at this stage of his life he's a nice fit as a mentor for some of the young talented hitters we have in the organization. Manny will coach full-time and play part-time in a limited role that does not take at-bats away from our prospects. If he shows there is still some magic in his bat, perhaps he will find his way to the major leagues and help another team, but that is not why he is here. We are thrilled that he wants to work with our young hitters and make a difference."

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">Ramirez, 41, is a lifetime .312 hitter with 555 home runs in 2,302 games covering 19 major league seasons.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:14px;">"I'm at the stage of my life and career where I really want to give something back to the game that I love -- the game that has meant so much to me and done so much for me and my family," Ramirez said. "I know I am nearing the end of my playing days, but I have a lot of knowledge to pass on to the next generation - both what to do and what not to do. The Cubs have some very talented young hitters, and I would love nothing more than to make a positive impact on their careers. I am passionate about baseball and about hitting, and I have a lot to offer. While I would love to return to the major leagues, I leave that in God's hands. My focus will be on working with the young hitters, making sure they don't make the same mistakes I made, and helping the team any way I can."

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="VanSlawAndCottoCheese" data-cid="222816" data-time="1403385391">

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="jstraw" data-cid="222813" data-time="1403378437">
So, Manny's joining the I-Cubs next week. Now that Bryant is there, I'm going to be even pissier about every AB Ramirez gets.

You'll be mailing Ramirez your panties when he, Baez, and Bryant go back-to-back-to-back.


Hmmm . . . could we call three home runs in a row the Human Centipede?


No, I won't. I don't give a fuck about Manny's offensive contributions because I don't care about the I-Cubs winning games. If Manny bats 8th, fine. I don't want his spot in the order to affect the way Baez and Bryant are getting pitched.


It's my opinion that not one roster spot in the entire farm system should be occupied by someone without a yardstick and goals for promotion. Manny wants to be a coach? Fine, let him coach.




I wub ooo.

One dick can poke an eye out. A hundred dicks can move mountains.

For the life of me, I cannot possibly understand the angst over Manny. For most things that I don't agree with, I can at least understand the opposing viewpoint. Not on this. This is looking for something to be upset about.

This is not some silly theory that's unsupported and deserves being mocked by photos of Xena.  [Image: ITgoyeg.png]
I don't think Baez and Bryant should be getting protection in the batting order like this and I sure as *hell* don't think they should be protecting him in the order. I think the whole thing is a sideshow and at odds with we're told is a methodical and businesslike approach to building a winner. I think it's a distraction...and that it might be an intentional one. I don't think minor league coaching should be generating buzz.


I also don't fucking like Ramirez.


Now get off my lawn.

I think the whole theory of protection in a lineup is overblown if not complete bullshit. 

I disagree but I've had a few tonight, so what do I know?
Kris Bryant just bombed one out. :tasty:

Dylan McKay is my hero
Bryant HR number 2 today.

Baez 0-4. Wonder when we'll start seeing the big 2 hitting back-to-back.
Quote:Bryant HR number 2 today.
I had misread this. On first read I was like, badass he hit his second home run. Of the season. Sweet. 




Then it turns out he hit two today, so I was confused when talking to one of my buddies when he brought it up. 
Yeah, I believe he's at three in Iowa.

Kyle Schwarber's first nine pro games:


5 homers, 12 rbi, 2 doubles, a triple, .531/.568/1.125/1.693(!!!), 3 walks and just three strikeouts in 35 plate appearances.

I hate my pretentious sounding username too.
What a disastrous waste of a draft pick.

Didn't that douche Kyle bash this pick solely because we paid him under slot?


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