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Pedro tonight vs. Yankees - Printable Version

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Pedro tonight vs. Yankees - Runnys - 10-29-2009

I know that Pedro can be a douche, but I love watching him pitch because he doesn't give a shit! I would love to see him send one under A-Rod's chin in the first inning.

It is definitely going to be an interesting game to watch.

Pedro tonight vs. Yankees - Butcher - 10-29-2009

Pedro was the most amazing pitcher I've ever seen during his prime. He isn't that guy anymore, but he still knows how to pitch. It will be interesting to see how he does tonight. He certainly fared well against the Dodgers...

Pedro tonight vs. Yankees - Butcher - 10-29-2009

This doesn't deserve its own thread, so I'm putting it here.

Our old friend Swish is getting benched tonight and replaced with our old friend Pubes. That's gotta be a blow to his ego...

Pedro tonight vs. Yankees - Runnys - 10-29-2009

Charlie Manuel must not have learned anything from Grady Little.

Pedro tonight vs. Yankees - Runnys - 10-29-2009

I gotta say...for these being "experienced" umpires, they sure are doing a shitty job! The strike zone is about 6 inches wider than it should be for the Yankees pitchers and they are missing calls on the bases....they could get away with this shit when there weren't camera's everywhere, but not in this day and age....everyone is able to see their fuckups!