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Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - Printable Version

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Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - 1060Ivy - 04-21-2021

Lets see some Cub runs this evening

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - jstraw - 04-21-2021


Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - jstraw - 04-21-2021

the merry go round broke down

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - 1060Ivy - 04-21-2021

Damn, I didn't know the Cubs were allowed to score 6 runs in an inning during a night game. 


Well, apparently they aren't as they scored 7.


Hell, Happ even got a hit and a base running error. 

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - jstraw - 04-21-2021

That was funny.

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - 1060Ivy - 04-21-2021

Always fun to watch the Cubs score runs -

Still surprised that Cubs could score those 7 runs without an extra base hit

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - rok - 04-21-2021

I thought the Mets were supposed to be a lot less terrible than this.

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - 1060Ivy - 04-21-2021

Their defense has been terrible this series. They also have trouble scoring runs

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - 1060Ivy - 04-21-2021


Javy needs to shorten his swing ... so his grand slams leave Wrigley quicker

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - jstraw - 04-21-2021

Like that?

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - BigBoy - 04-21-2021

Nice I like this

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - 1060Ivy - 04-21-2021

Leave it to Javy to just ruin the whole Cubs small ball vibe they had going

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - 1060Ivy - 04-21-2021

Cubs win

Cubs win

Cubs win

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - jstraw - 04-22-2021

[Image: peepee-dance2020.gif]

littlepeepee littlepeepee littlepeepee littlepeepee littlepeepee littlepeepee littlepeepee

Mets @ Wrigley, 21 April - Butcher - 04-22-2021

I was down in Wrigleyville last night to meet up with a friend who is in from out of town. It's still pretty weird to be down there after a game and most places are either closed, empty, or just 10-12 people inside. We ended up hanging out in Gman Tavern for a bit. We sat down in the back and there were maybe 10 people total inside. Honestly it's kind of nice in a strange way to have a more chill atmosphere there, but also very much looking forward to Wrigley being at full capacity again...